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Susan Power Bratton [18]Susan Powers Bratton [1]Susan P. Bratton [1]
  1. Christianity, Wilderness, and Wildlife: The Original Desert Solitaire.Susan Power Bratton, David C. Hallman, Mary Evelyn Tucker, John A. Grim & Max Oelschlaeger - 1995 - Environmental Values 4 (3):281-282.
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    Christian ecotheology and the old testament.Susan Power Bratton - 1984 - Environmental Ethics 6 (3):195-209.
    Because of its theocentric nature and the dispersion of relevant passages, the Old Testament presentation of creation theology is frequently misunderstood. I investigate the works of modem Old Testament scholars, particularly Walther Eichrodt, Gerhard von Rad, and Claus Westermann, in regard to the theology of creation. Using principles of analysis suggested by Gerhard Hasel, I discuss how the Old Testament portrays God as acting in both the original creation and post-Genesis events. The role of God as creator is not independent (...)
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  3.  63
    Ecology and religion.Susan Power Bratton, P. Clayton & Z. Simpson - 2006 - In Philip Clayton & Zachory Simpson (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Science. Oxford University Press. pp. 207-225.
    Accession Number: ATLA0001712129; Hosting Book Page Citation: p 207-225.; Language(s): English; General Note: Bibliography: p 222-225.; Issued by ATLA: 20130825; Publication Type: Essay.
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    How Many is Too Many?Susan Power Bratton - 2017 - Environmental Ethics 39 (3):349-352.
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    Luc ferry's critique of deep ecology, nazi nature protection laws, and environmental anti-semitism.Susan Power Bratton - 1999 - Ethics and the Environment 4 (1):3-22.
    Neo-Humanist Luc Ferry (1995) has compared deep ecology's declarations of intrinsic value in nature to the Third Reich's nature protection laws, which prohibit maltreatment of animals having "worth in themselves." Ferry's questionable approach fails to document the relationship between Nazi environmentalism and Nazi racism. German high art and mass media historically presented nature as dualistic, and portrayed Untermenschen as unnatural or inorganic. Nazi propaganda excluded Jews from nature, and identified traditional Jews as cruel to animals. Ferry's idealization of Humanism under (...)
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  6. Loving nature: Eros or agape?Susan P. Bratton - 1992 - Environmental Ethics 14 (1):3-25.
    Christian ethics are usually based on a theology of love. In the case of Christian relationships to nature, Christian environmental writers have either suggested eros as a primary source for Christian love, without dealing with traditional Christian arguments against eros, or have assumed agape (spiritual love or sacrificial love) is the appropriate mode, without defining how agape should function in human relationships with the nonhuman portion of the universe. I demonstrate that God’s love for nature has the same form and (...)
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    Loving Nature: Ecological Integrity and Christian Responsibility.Susan Power Bratton - 1993 - Environmental Ethics 15 (1):3-25.
    Christian ethics are usually based on a theology of love. In the case of Christian relationships to nature, Christian environmental writers have either suggested eros as a primary source for Christian love, without dealing with traditional Christian arguments against eros, or have assumed agape (spiritual love or sacrificial love) is the appropriate mode, without defining how agape should function in human relationships with the nonhuman portion of the universe. I demonstrate that God’s love for nature has the same form and (...)
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    National park management and values.Susan Power Bratton - 1985 - Environmental Ethics 7 (2):117-133.
    Throughout the history ofthe U.S. national park system, park advocates and managers have changed both acquisition priorities and internal management policies. The park movement began with the establishment of large, spectacular natural areas, primarily in the West. As the movement developed there was more emphasis on the biological, on recreation, and on parks near population centers. GraduaIly, scenic wonders and uniqueness have become less necessary to designation and the types of sites eligible have diversified. Early managers treated the parks as (...)
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  9.  39
    Thomas Berry: The dream of the earth.Susan Power Bratton - 1990 - Environmental Ethics 12 (1):87-89.
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  10.  54
    The Ecotheology of James Watt.Susan Power Bratton - 1983 - Environmental Ethics 5 (3):225-236.
    The popular press has claimed that Secretary of the Interior James Watt bases his philosophy of environmental management on his religious views as a charismatic Christian. An examination of Watt’s published statements indicates: his philosophy of environmental management sterns largely from economic and political considerations; he has a relatively simple ecotheology based on concepts such as God providing creation as a blessing for mankind, and mankind having a stewardship responsibility to use resources to provide for people; his ecotheology does not (...)
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  11.  58
    The Original Desert Solitaire: Early Christian Monasticism and Wilderness.Susan Power Bratton - 1988 - Environmental Ethics 10 (1):31-53.
    Roderick Nash’s conc1usion in Wilderness and the American Mind that St. Francis “stood alone in a posture of humility and respect before the natural world” is not supported by thorough analysis of monastic literature. Rather St. Francis stands at the end of a thousand-year monastic tradition. Investigation of the “histories” and sayings of the desert fathers produces frequent references to the environment, particularly to wildlife. In stories about lions, wolves, antelopes, and other animals, the monks sometimes exercise spiritual powers over (...)
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  12.  35
    Loving Nature: Ecological Integrity and Christian Responsibility. [REVIEW]Susan Power Bratton - 1993 - Environmental Ethics 15 (1):93-96.
  13.  28
    Richard Cartwright Austin: Beauty of the Lord. [REVIEW]Susan Power Bratton - 1989 - Environmental Ethics 11 (3):277-280.
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    The Spirit of the Earth. [REVIEW]Susan Power Bratton - 1985 - Environmental Ethics 7 (3):283-285.
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